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A Little About Me !



I'm Nazrul (My Family members  Call me Robu), Sorry there is nothing especial to say about me !

 Photography, (Freelance Photographer as well as related with some Organization but photography is my passion, basically I'm IT Professional) I like Traveling very much (especially remote  Hilly areas & of course World longest sea beach Coxsbazar )my future plan is to travel around the world with my Camera, my other hobbies is Reading (Technical Journal, Books, E-Books etc), Writing, Cycling,
 Boating, Music (Both Classical & Western), and of course Adda with the friends.

Email : 

Thanks to

 Every day I receive a lots of Letter, email, & Comments
 from a large number of Hobbyist & Electronics Enthusiasts Worldwide,
 I would like to thanks every one for their excellent contribution to my Work.
 I always try to add more Project & Electronics related feature in this site.

  • Tony van Roon UK

  • Alan Winstanley, UK

  • Mike Papadimitriou ,Greek

  • Danny Goodman, USA

  • David A. Johnson, P.E.

  • Tomi Engdahl

  • Joseph Brabet,France

     All the Web visitor, Hobbyist, readers, experimenters & young Scientist
    from Bangladesh.

+8801711382041 (Please don't send any message or call  for book , Diagram or 
component request,  comments & suggestion from readers are welcome.

Photo Gallery (All photo taken by me) (update regularly)

No more today, bye.. bye...