Sit straight, folding your legs. The back of the feet should touch the floor. Rest your butt on your ankles with your spine straight. Make sure your knees stay together. Keep your hands straight and place your palms and fingers on your knees. In the beginning, Remain in this position as much as you can. The Ideal time for this pose is about 30 minutes for a single sitting. But it may be difficult for the first time who start practice in the beginning. So, as a beginner, you can sit in this pose as much as possible, then rest for a few seconds or minutes to open the leg straight. After that, try to do this pose in this way. After a few months, it will be easy to retain 30 minutes in a single sitting. Even for more than 30 minutes, you can sit comfortably without pain.
Sitting in this position for 30 minutes or more makes you feel some excellent benefits from this pose. So, Start practicing this pose now to gain physical and mental health. Use a yoga mat or something else like a thick carpet or blanket. Do not use a mattress or foam.
- Regular practice of this Pose helps to eliminate the rheumatism caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the knee and bone joints, keeping it healthy and pain-free.
- Regular practice of this Pose right after the meal helps improve digestion.
- Combing your hair while sitting in this Pose reduces hair fall and greying of hair.
- This Pose is helpful for the shape of the legs and thighs.
- Regular practice of this Pose after dinner provides a good sleep alongside improved digestion.
- This Pose is beneficial for arthritis and heart disease.
- This Pose is excellent for meditation. Breathing exercises in this stance help to quiet our minds and improve our emotional well-being.
- This Pose helps to relieve stress, improve concentration, and prevent depression and anxiety.
- It helps in reducing menstrual cramps.